Pipfruit & Port!

The team from Dyno was among over 200 attending the recent 2017 Pipfuit NZ Conference in Napier.

The mood was buoyant with Nathan Guy, Minister of Primary Industries, highlighting growth, and the need to continue to work together to achieve goals.  This country’s pipfruit exports are currently worth $700 million, 40-60% of that going to Asia. By 2022, that total is expected to reach $1 billion.

The theme for the conference was around changing thinking and covered topics including; evolving consumer and retail demand, a changing climate and environmental profile, and innovation, technology, marketing and development.

It was great to see such an interesting cross-section of people, and to meet so many of them. If you popped in for a chat, thank you. It was great to see so many there, supporting the industry.

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We had a great response to our draw to win one of three fantastic presentation boxes of Port, goblets and chocolates. Congratulations to Diana Anderson from Radfords Software Ltd, Antony Heywood from Golden Bay Fruit, and Wendy Wilson from Sunfruit Orchards. We’re sure you’ll enjoy it!

And remember, the Dyno team is always happy to answer questions, and is here to help make this season your best yet!

Click here to see a Chain Roller Conveyor - Great for pulling apples out water baths.

Need help dispensing pallets? Click here to see more.
